These 2017 Tom Brady "Deflategate" Memes Are All Kinds Of Hilarious

There isn't a single sports fan who can forget the 2015 Deflategate scandal, when the New England Patriots were accused of planting underinflated footballs to help them win the championships that would lead to that year's Super Bowl. With dislike of the Patriots at an all-time high due to President Donald Trump rooting for the team, people have begun creating 2017 Deflategate memes about Tom Brady, the Patriots quarterback for whom Trump has so much love.

For those who aren't as well versed in sports lore, there's no way to understate the importance of the Deflategate scandal in American football. Brady was accused of having a role in deflating footballs during the Patriots' American Football Championship game against the Indianapolis Colts to help the Pats win 45-7, and was suspended by the National Football League for his alleged role. What followed was a long and litigious back-and-forth between the Patriots and the NFL, and by the summer of 2016, Brady could have appealed his suspension to the Supreme Court had he not decided against the move. With the Patriots and Brady in the Super Bowl again, the scandal has once again become prominent on social media. Nobody knows the truth about Brady's role in Deflategate 2015, but Twitter surely has taken its stance with these hilarious memes.

Brady Is So Serious About This

If anyone were to make irreverent jokes about sports, it would be fans of the always-controversial World Star Hip Hop.

When Memes Collide

With the inclusion of 2016's "Arthur fist" meme, this joke pokes fun not only at Brady, but at the memetic quality that Deflategate has taken since 2015.

The "Inner Kermit" Meme Strikes Again

"Arthur fist" isn't the only 2016 meme to enter the fray of 2017 Deflategate memes. Here, we see what happens when Twitter turns its meme-happy lens on Brady in the best way they know how.

A Wholesome Puppybowl-Themed Meme

Comedian Cameron Esposito might have brought together real Super Bowl fans with Puppy Bowl fans with this adorable photo of a deflated pup in a football sweater.

Brady Sure Doesn't Look Happy

Angry Brady might become a meme in its own right, but this one is particularly hilarious.

The Pun No One Asked For

Conan's facepalm says it all.

The Most Important Call Brady Will Make

People are probably going through albums of Brady stock photos just to make these memes.

Brady's Have None Of This "No Deflation" Talk

Actual footage of Tom Brady before Super Bowl LI.

The Most Meme-Worthy Meme Of All Time?

Seriously, how many memes will they use in #deflategate2017?

The NFL Took Extra Precautions This Year

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